Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Walkable Cities

A Brookings Institute report finds Washington, D.C., as the most walkable city, per capita. Beacon Hill in Boston earns mention in this report as well.

Land presavation


Monday, November 26, 2007

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

James Howard Kunstler: The Tragedy of Suburbia

Here is a video of Kunstler's presentation.

Slate and the L.A. Times on Mike Judge's film Idiocracy

Slate: The Movie Hollywood Doesn't Want You to See

L.A. Times: The Funniest Movie You Can't See

From Patt Morrison's L.A. Times piece:

Why has Fox deep-sixed this film? A Fox spokesman tells me that "Idiocracy" was "a limited release, that's it, nothing to really talk about."

But the cine-blog world is roiling with questions. Did Judge's film, by sheer happenstance, mirror Rupert Murdoch's blueprint for a Fox-fed nation of fat, dumb and happy? Is the problem a threatened lawsuit over the way "Idiocracy" treats corporate America? Starbucks in 2505 serves speedy sex acts with the coffee, and Carl's Jr. and H&R Block get the same rough handling. But that's why studios have lawyers, and that's why we have the 1st Amendment.